Friday, August 22, 2014

On Faith

Excerpt from "God's World V1"

If we set aside faith, what is there left? We know that we did not create ourselves.  We have no reason to believe that we selected the date and place and manner of our birth. We know that we have nothing to say about the hour of our passing. We are unfamiliar with the forces of Nature in which we live and of which we are a part.  We are but fragments in the affairs of our own governments. Everywhere we turn, we meet conditions beyond our control, and yet we are confident that tomorrow will find us well and happy and successful.

Often this confidence, so far as reason and judgment go, is based on a few men in charge of great affairs.  The employee in an office has faith that his employer will keep the business going. The employer, who is in debt to the bankers, is confident that the bankers will see him through. The bankers, who depend upon the the depositors, are certain that no sudden demand will be made upon them for the deposits.

And yet believing in other mortals, we find contentment and faith.  And if we could gather together all the mortals on the earth and all those in the spirit-world, and added up the sum-total of their powers, the result would not be comparable with the power of God Almighty even in the ratio of an atom compared with all of the matter that comprises our world.

If we are not to have faith in the Cause that gave us life, then how can we have faith in anybody or anything? We see honest and morally good and dependable people in our own neighborhoods, in our cities, in our countries; but the greatest goodness and the greatest dependability of any man are not to be mentioned in the same breath with the goodness and greatness and dependability of the Creator.

No man, or combination of men, brought this universe into being.  Yet we find ourselves believing in men. We find many times that our trust was not belied - it was well placed. Suppose we had proportionate faith in God: Would we not be qualified to regard any hardship, any obstacle, as all right, as perfectly natural, as presaging some great good that would come at some future time, but that previously was not revealed to us?
Few of us store up a sufficient food supply to last us many days, and yet we are not fearful that we shall go without food.  Millions and tens of millions and hundreds of millions pass along earth's mortal trail living "from hand to mouth," from day to day. Somehow they get through. Often when they seemed to have reached the very end of their resources, something occurred that gave them a new opportunity.

No matter what our claims may be, irrespective of how much weight we may put upon our powers of reason, if we but pause to analyze ourselves and our fellow-beings, we shall make the discovery that of all the qualities in mankind, faith stands at the top.

The helpless babe has greater faith in his mother than the greatest man ever had in God. Life without faith would not be life. Reason and logic may seem to prove certain contentions and theories. But where it satisfies one person,  faith is carrying millions of others through the trials of life safely and securely.
Sometimes the trials of life are severe. Things go wrong.  Hardship pile upon hardship, handicap follows handicap, sickness and loss of property and the death of dear ones make life a fearful burden. And yet when one's faith is sufficient, even though one may bend under the blows and be prostrated with sorrow, there is still that loyal belief that eventually things will work out - that sometime, somewhere and in some manner things will be different.

The greater one's belief in God and His Natural Law, the greater blessings one is to receive throughout one's life.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

On Mercy, Justice and Forgiveness

Excerpts from “Through the Mist” by R.J. Lees
“It is a sad mistake to say that death levels all men, and that this life (life after death) is a new one, while the record of the old one has been wiped out with the sponge of death. All life is a continuation of that which had gone before; and entering here you have but turned over the page to commence another chapter, the story and plot are the same.

“In this you will find that the mistakes of the past are rectified, overdue accounts have to be settled, and compensation awarded to those who have unjustly suffered. Men are here weighed in the balances of God, appraised by a valuer whose judgment is righteous, and against whose verdict there is no appeal but that of repentance. You will find no bribery and corruption; everything is sternly real; all men and things are just what they appear to be.

“Guilt must be righteously punished, while the excess of pain which the victim has endured must receive its legitimate compensation. With the punishment we have nothing to do, the natural law of this life is fully adequate to that, and every guilty soul will reap the just harvest of the seed he has sown. It is that we may take part in the compensation that we are here. Justice demands that an instant liberation shall be given from those bonds, and life must be lavished upon the sufferers until we have helped to build up and invigorate their souls, then each one shall reach the full development for which it was designed and for which it wept and struggled, but was prevented by action of oppressors.”

“But where do we find mercy and forgiveness in the administration of such inexorable justice?” I asked.

“Every attribute of God has its legitimate sphere of operation,” he replied, “and the inviolate maintenance of each in its appointed order is essential to the continuance of the almighty and all-wise perfection of our Father, but it is impossible for any one of these to usurp the jurisdiction of another. Suppose, for a moment, that mercy was allowed to withstand justice and prevail in any single instance; the immediate result would be an injustice; since to show mercy to the offender would be an injustice to the offended, unless, in turn, you show him mercy too.

Carry this to its logical sequence and you will be compelled to abolish justice in favour of mercy, in which case punishment and retribution would become an impossibility; law would be a dead letter, and sin, freed from fear or restraint, would revel in its license. But when we see the working of the attributes of God according to His Divinely appointed plan, we find how infinitely wise has been the adaptation to the necessities of the human family in its development.

“Take those to which you have referred - Mercy, Justice, and Forgiveness. Mercy operates on earth, where patience, forbearance, and long-suffering are so much needed during the early stages of the conscious existence of the soul. Imagine the catastrophe and disaster which would ensue if unerring justice was enthroned at such a crisis in life’s history - would there be any subsequent immortality to record? Unconscious, practically, of his whence and whither, an untutored experimentalist as to his powers and capabilities, failure and mistake, the law by which he shall develop and learn to understand himself, uncertain if it be right to gratify even the most ardent of his longings, filled with fear and trembling at the forces surrounding him, a volume of nature before him of nature of whose hieroglyphics he is ignorant though called upon to read, himself the most profound mystery among, the million other problems - under such circumstances, how often would earth be swept clear of man if justice was applied to every transgression of the law; that justice which is perfect as its Framer?

“No! This attribute cannot be applied to such an undeveloped condition; what man could be found wild enough to imagine that it is? Is not rather the absence of justice so manifest as to be used for an argument against the existence of a God, while it has become a proverb among the nations that ‘Villainy is the heir to Fortune, but Honesty marries Miss.’ Oppression, tyranny and persecution are rampant, that ‘Might is Right’ is the universal motto practically both of politics and religion; the affluent and wealthy are the honoured of the nations, the poor and needy, the curse and bane. Is this right you will ask me, and I reply, a thousand times no! But even the injustice of man is not strong enough to cause God to change the action of His attributes, and substitute justice for Mercy upon the earth.

“This universal custom is wrong, and man has gained enough knowledge to know that it is so; but God is long-suffering that the oppressor may be able to redeem himself before he is brought in to judgment. Mercy pleads, while hope of restitution remains; but once let the law take hold of the offender, and the issue passes from the court of Mercy to justice. The mists (The death) marking the boundary line between that state and this also form the vestibule of the hall of judgment, and every soul must pass through and receive its righteous verdict before it enters here. Mercy has no power to cross that threshold; the soul stands alone before that inscrutable tribunal its own witness, its own judge, hence its life deeds pass the sentence from which no appeal is possible.”

“But forgiveness; what of that?” I asked.

“That follows later,” he replied. “The penalties enforced by that Justice are for wrongs committed against your fellow-man; such sins must be redeemed, they are never forgiven, for no one not even God, has power to forgive a trespass against any other than Himself, such being contrary to His own law. When the penalty for sins against his fellow has been righteously discharged then the repentant soul has the power to ask forgiveness for his sin against God, which is always freely granted; but it is requisite that he be first reconciled to his brother, for only ‘he that hath clean hands and a pure heart’ can ascend to the presence of God where Christ will secure his full remission.”