Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What does science ultimately show us?

The topic about science and religion has always been my favorite. I love science/logic by training, and I love religion because initially it answers many life related questions for me. But it is when these two seemingly contradicting worldviews are combined that everything starts to make sense to me.

Dr. William Hatcher wrote quite a lot assays about science and religion and I love his works very much. Many of passages from his articles are just too good to keep to myself that I'd like to share some of them here with you one at a time:

"Science seems to have gradually reduced the possible domain of God's existence to a vanishing point. Physics has removed God from nature, and psychology has removed Him from the human heart.

Again, further analysis reveals such an attitude as a misconception. For science has revealed to man not only “facts” and “things” but also a fascinating world of energy and unseen forces. Consider, for example, the view of matter and the material world which physics soberly presents to us for our consideration as the rational explanation for natural phenomena. The astonishing diversity of matter which we daily encounter is really due, we are told, only to different combination of a small number of basic elements. Moreover, these elemental substances are themselves just different configurations of certain basic elementary particles which, in themselves, have no individuality. Furthermore, these basic particles are really just relatively stable forms of energy, and each of them is convertible, under suitable conditions, into energy. Thus all the stuff of everyday experience is ultimately just different configurations of energy.

And what, we may ask, is energy? We may be successful in describing some of the ways energy works—some of the effects it produces. But when we ask what energy is, we come up against a mystery. And if we are humble enough, we realize that this is the same mystery primitive man intuitively perceived. Our science has served only to render our ultimate ignorance more explicit by showing how truly universal is this mysterious force, for now we see everything as a configuration of this one force.” (of which we understand not!)

Ref.: The William Hatcher Library

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